Rahui proposal to be withdrawnAugust 7, 2018Hi All,I have been told today (7 Aug 2018) that the proposal for a Rahui over South Bay is to be withdrawn.Ted
Proposal for Rahui at Mudstone BayJune 5, 2018At the meeting held on 5th June a recently notified proposal to establish a rahui at Mudstone Bay was discussed.There was no support for this proposal in this place.This bay is the site of our club’s largest launching ramp, and is a safe area where many of those with smaller vessels fish.It is also the area where most canoes launch.An alternative site for a rahui in the middle bay on the end of the peninsula was discussed.A further meeting of the committee will be held on Friday 8th of June at 9am to discuss a club submission.A letter to all members is being drafted.The map below shows the proposal.