This is the information we have about the proposed taiapure regulations.
Attached are two documents:
This is the information we have about the proposed taiapure regulations.
Attached are two documents:
At the meeting held on 5th June a recently notified proposal to establish a rahui at Mudstone Bay was discussed.
There was no support for this proposal in this place.
This bay is the site of our club’s largest launching ramp, and is a safe area where many of those with smaller vessels fish.
It is also the area where most canoes launch.
An alternative site for a rahui in the middle bay on the end of the peninsula was discussed.
A further meeting of the committee will be held on Friday 8th of June at 9am to discuss a club submission.
A letter to all members is being drafted.
The map below shows the proposal.
A new marine protected areas act:consultation document.
Go to
It can be read online,downloaded,or you can order a free printed copy.
Submissions close 5pm Friday 11th March 2016.
Please look at it and make a submission.
Your committee made a submission to Te Korowai in November, following a long full discussion.
Kaikoura Boating & Recreational Fishing Club (Inc)
P.O. Box 98
Marty Sullivan Ph 027 630 7589 Email Marty
Vice President
Brian Ashley Ph 03 319 5123 Email Brian
Club Captain
Geoff Reardon Ph. 021 0597 964 Email Geoff
Robyn Eggers Ph. 027 407 6898 Email Robyn