Membership Renewals due – Smartphone Ap – AGM coming up
Subs are due, Locks have been changed and keys need to be updated.
Our AGM is on Sunday 4th January – 1pm, at the Takahanga Bowling Club – Kilarney St.
AGM includes a presentation and discussion of Salmon Enhancement, please attend. We are being asked to contribute financially.
There is a new recording app for smartphones – fish4all – available for both android and iphone. Give it a try – looks quite good. If enough people us it, it should give us some accurate information with which to argue our case with MPI and other stakeholders.
Plan is to hold the fishing context at Easter 2015 – more details later.
2014 Easter Fishing Contest Cancelled
The 2014 Easter Fishing contest is cancelled and refunds will be given to those who have paid.
Coastguard Application for supporters membership
Here is the
coastguard supporters form.