Team Te Korowai
Kaikoura Coastal Marine Guardians
Te Korowai vision :
Mä te whakapümau i te mauri me te wairua o “Te Tai o
Marokura”, ko mätou ngä kaitiaki o ngä taonga a Tangaroa
kei te arataki i te iwi hapori, ki te whakangaruru i te
momona me te waiora o te ähuatanga o te Taiao, mo ngä
whakatipuranga o aianei me ake tonu ake.
By perpetuating the mauri and wairua (life force
and spirit) of “Te Tai o Marokura”, (Kaikoura region)
we as kaitiaki (guardians) of Tangaroa’s täonga (the
ocean’s treasures) are leading the community to achieve a
flourishing, rich and healthy environment where opportunities
abound to sustain the needs of present and future generations.
Fisheries New Zealand – Kaikoura area
Recreational fishing rules for the Kaikōura area, including closures, restrictions, and other important notices.
Fisheries New Zealand
Fisheries New Zealand works to ensure that fisheries resources are managed to provide the greatest overall benefit to New Zealanders.
New Zealand Sport Fishing Council Inc
NZSFC fills a variety of needs and supports the million or so New Zealanders that fish. A key role is to advocate for responsible and sustainable management of our marine environment to ensure future generations are able to enjoy the unique resource we have. The Council conducts education programs, commissions and funds fisheries research projects, and participates in fisheries management.
“More fish in the water/Kia maha atu nga ika ki roto i te wai.”
Maritime New Zealand
It is your responsibility to know and understand the rules before heading out.
NZ Coastguard
Boating Safety Code – Know Before You Go.
Water Safety New Zealand
Leading a step change in New Zealand so people don’t drown.