Financial Statement for 2008 – 2009.
Minutes of AGM – 4th Jan 2009
39 members present
1. APOLOGIES: R Herman, B Hartley, D Morrison, John Martin, Wayne Anderson Moved That the apologies be received: B Thorpe, Seconded G Boyd – Carried.
2. SPEAKERS – John Nicholls – Te Korowai Update on Te Korowai – Launched Characterisation report in Feb 2008, with Jim
Anderton as Minister of Fisheries in attendance. Currently working through issues, split into groups – Fishing, environmental and customary. Part of the year taken up with Setnet and Hectors Dolphin issues. Had a mixed bag of success with that – a good test of the group – to reach concensus on a submission was a good step forward. Initial submission turned down, but there was final movement on a final position with commercial fishing.
Now an incorporated society, which will allow us to seek our own funding. Until now facilitator has been funded by DOC, but now we can look to source our own funding, and can be seen to be automomous.
Question about support from new government. John replied it is the first order of Business this year.
Last year two trips to Christchurch to talk to Rec fishing clubs, the last one 15 clubs represented – organised by the Ferrymead club at Papanui.
Also spoke to Forest and Bird regional meeting which was also well received.. A couple of weeks ago spoke to local council, somewhat misreported in the local
Some of the issues – illegal take under the guise of recreational fishing. The large size of the commercial reporting areas.
Anyone has any issues contact me (John), Richard or Ted.
Rest of this year designed on getting some sort of strategy together as a draft strategy for consultation.
If you hear anything and want it confirmed then contact us.
3. MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS AGM. Circulated That the minutes are a true and correct record. Moved R Craig Seconded – M Kerr carried
South Bay ramp.
5. REPORTS: Recreational Fishing-R. Craig. Leads on from John’s with Te Korowai. Between, Bill Hartley, John and Ted we try to keep on top of recreational fishing issue around here and wider.
Some of the issue like Blue Cod seem to be getting depleted, and the number of people using our coast is increasing rapidly. This year have a semi permanent Fisheries Officer here. Kaikoura voluntary purse seine agreement still in action.
Set net issue has been a major issue. More access points for our members – looking at more slipways to the south and the north. Bill and Richard are on the South Marine Fisheries advisory committee, from Kaikoura to South Westland – meets 4 – 5 times a year in Dunedin. Get information from MFish through that forum. Tony Brett is facilitator of that, and the MFish representative on Te Korowai – which provides a link. Been working on maps and zones for a voluntary logbook, and working with Dave Robinson from Ocean Fun looking at publishing it. Interested in the feeling from membership as to what we do with respect to set netting ban in this area. No restrictions – none Netting for butterfish – netting with attendance 23 Status quo – 8 We will pursue it.
Question – you mentioned Blue cod – what is happening – Richard – survey done last year, results not yet out. What do members think here? Recommendation – that we reduce the Blue Cod limit. Can only have one limit. Has to be cut soon. What about commercial? Southern Club did a voluntary ban within the club, and it worked.
How many think we should drop it to 5 for the whole area? Show of hands – 28 – clear majority. Suggestion for a size range on Cod – 35 – 40cm – and throw back either side of this size range (ie keep the small fish and the large breeders).
Need to educate people as a club about measuring paua and general care for fisheries and the environment. Lots of concern about poaching – particularly by non-english speaking people.
Moved That the Finance report be received – D Milne Seconded – C MacIntosh Carried
As attached – read.
Break – 2:05 for 10 minutes
Moved: That we alter the constitution to allow immediate family members to use a key with a boat that has a bigger sticker (90 x 50). Moved I Woodward, G Stringer – Carried. BCO challenge – Moved: That we support the Sounds Blue cod legal challenge to the tune of $1 per member – Ted Howard, Second R Craig – Carried – (1 against- Brent).
Ramps New ramps – Moved: That the committee has the authority to acquire new
access points for club members within the funding available. Moved – D Crawford, Sec B Carter – carried (without dissent).
Side walkways on the South Bay Ramp. That we proceed with application for adding side walkways to the South Bay ramp. Moved T Howard, Sec G Dasler, Carried (without Dissent).
Kahawai Legal Challenge – That we support the kahawai legal challenge to the sum of $5 per head. – Moved – T Howard, Sec G Black – Carried- unanimous.
Rec Fishing Council – that we increase our contribution to NZ Rec Fishing Council from the current $1 to $5 for the current year and that subs for next year go from $75 to $100 and for super annuitants from $30 to $40. Move T Howard Sec C McIntosh carried.
M. Kerr W. Anderson B. Hills. D. Whiting.
Patron- President- Vice President- Club Captain –
New Officers:
G. Boyd T Howard R. Craig R Herman
D. Milne. B. Hartley. R. Burnby
J Nichols.
Patron G Boyd – Moved: T Howard; Seconded: M Kerr – carried President T Howard – Moved: M Kerr ; Seconded: R Criag.
N Pablecheque Moved: J Stanton Seconded I Hopewell. Ted handed chair to John Nichols Ted & Neil spoke, then left the room, vote taken – Ted Elected.
VP R Craig – Moved: J Nichols ; Seconded: T Howard Club Captain N Pablecheque – Moved: G Stringer; Seconded: I Woodward Committtee – Standing Stay T Howard, R Craig – Carried 1 B Hartley 2 B Hills 3 D Whiting 4 M Kerr 5 W Anderson 6 Dave Milne 7 Ray Herman 8 John Nichols 9 Ron Burnby 10 Ron Gillespie – Moved John Rugoski, Sec Ian Wade 11 Eddie Mackle – Moved Ian Woodward, Sec R Craig. 12 Graham Black – Moved – Dave Milne, Sec T Howard All accepted by Acclimation Graham proposed Brent Thorp as life member – to next committee meeting and AGM. Suggestion that we manage seals. That will require revision of the Marine Mammals Protection Act. Closed 4:00 pm